The following is a transcript of Muir's interview: Kamala Harris(Click here for a transcript of Roberts' interview) DAVID MUIR: Well, thank you both for sitting down with us. JOE BIDEN: Thanks for having us. KAMALA HARRIS: Thank you. MUIR: Mr. Vice President, as you know it was more than 30 years ago, you first ran for president -- 1987. You ran three times. It's now 2020, and you're the candidate of change. I wonder, after dreaming of that moment for more than three decades, what it was like. BIDEN: Well you know, we talked about this a little bit. I have an overwhelming sense of obligation, I mean, whoever wins this collection is going to determine the fate of this country for at least a couple decades, and there's a lot at stake. So it's an overwhelming sense of obligation to get this right. But it, I feel an obligation as I said to, to get it right, the character of the country is on the ballot. There is so much at stake. MUIR: And Senator Harris, you've already made history by just being on this ticket. But something you said before you were even chosen, you said, "I want him to choose whoever he believes can help him win." You said, "It sounds pretty cold blooded, but that's where I am." HARRIS: That is correct. MUIR: You’re the pick. How are you best suited to help Vice President Biden win? HARRIS: Well, I believe that between Joe Biden and myself we really do represent the breadth and depth of who we are as Americans, and you know, he and I often talk about the importance of leadership and leaders that see the people and understand who the people are and respond to their needs, giving them dignity and respect in the process. And when I think about Joe's life, I think about his career, coupled with my experiences in my career, I think that between us we have the ability to really meet the American people where they are and address their fears and their hopes and their dreams. And I think that's critical right now. To Joe's point, there's so much on the line, there's so much at stake in this election and the people -- the people of America have a right to have leaders that care about them and understand them. MUIR: We have so much we want to get to here, but I do want to get right to the heaviness of the moment in our country. The pandemic -- more than 170,000 American lives lost now -- Mr. Vice President, you have said that people are dying because of this negligence. Do you blame President Trump for lives lost? BIDEN: I don't blame him for the COVID crisis. I blame him for walking away and not dealing with the solutions. The idea of saying that this is going to go away, that some miracle is going to happen, there’s all talk about the crazy things about bleach and using, I mean it's just, he hasn't listened to the scientists. MUIR: But do you think the negligence on the part of this administration has cost lives? BIDEN: I can tell you what Columbia University Medical School said. It said that if he had acted just one week earlier, he would have saved over 37,000 lives, 37,000 fewer people would have not passed away. Two weeks earlier over 50,000 people. This is about telling the American people the truth, letting the scientists speak, listening to the science, not and-- stepping out of the way. Let the experts go out and let, let the American people know what the truth is and what has to be done. MUIR: You said in your speech last night that you want to implement a national strategy and as part of that strategy you said, "We'll have a national mandate to wear masks." You know a lot of governors aren't going to go along with that and what do you say to Americans who say, this is my freedom, my choice whether to wear a mask? Are you going to force them to wear a mask? BIDEN: Well, look, I think I'm going to ask every governor to step up. This isn't about freedom, it's about freedom for your, your neighbors. It's about a patriotic responsibility to protect your neighbors. And the only way you can do that is to be socially distanced and wearing a mask when you're in public, when you're outside. This is, this is, I mean I find this-- the first time I've ever heard people say that doing something patriotic you can save other people's lives, impacts on their freedom. Come on. Give me a break, this is about saving lives. MUIR: You talk about the science. If you're sworn in come January, and, and we have coronavirus and the flu combining, which many scientists have said is a real possibility, would you be prepared to shut this country down again? BIDEN: I will be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. That is the fundamental flaw of this administration's thinking to begin with. In order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing, and people employed, you have to fix the virus, you have to deal with the virus. MUIR: So if the scientists say shut it down? BIDEN: I would shut it down, I would listen to the scientists. MUIR: And Senator Harris, we have seen the disproportionate toll on communities of color, all across this nation during this pandemic. The president talks about the potential of a vaccine almost daily. We have seen what's happened with testing in this country -- the lines, waiting, days, weeks for results, even when there is a vaccine -- under your administration, who would get that vaccine first? HARRIS: Well, that's a great point because let's also be clear that creating a vaccine, and finally having a vaccine is a very different point than people actually being vaccinated, and there needs to be a plan. And that's one of the things that Joe and I talk about, which is the plan to ensure that we're going to have all of the equipment in place to actually administer a vaccine to the largest number of people as quickly as possible. But doing that, keeping in mind that there are disparities, that there are different needs based on different communities and that's why we talk about the need to track actually racial disparities -- disparities based on region, geographic region and do that now. So that when we have a vaccine, those communities that are most in need, will get them. But, again, that policy and that approach will be guided by the public health experts, unlike what we have seen now which are the politics guiding a public health crisis, to the point that as Joe has said, we've had over 170,000 souls who perished in just the last several months. We've had the economic impact that some described as being the equivalent of what we saw in terms of the harm of the Great Depression. And one of the things I think about Joe, that is so important, in terms of this moment in time, is his approach is about "we're all in this together, we're all in this together," as opposed to Donald Trump, who is yet on every issue and this issue, trying to divide America on something is as important as who wears a mask or doesn't. And I think that should portend the future in terms of where we're going to be when it comes time for a vaccine. Are we gonna have a president in place, who is paying attention to the health and the needs of the American people? Or is he going to be manipulating the American people for his personal political gain? BIDEN: David, can I just say one thing? I've been pleading with the president for the last three months: you need a plan. I suggested that save $25 billion now and put together a plan. How will you get to over 300 million Americans? He has no notion, how to do that. There's somebody that should be in charge now directing precisely how the vaccine would be distributed, how many vials are going to have to be fact manufactured that hold the vaccine, how many shots are going to have to be required. How is he going to do it? It's about how. Plan now. MUIR: But on that point of a vaccine, the president has said we could have a vaccine by year's end. He's floated the idea of having a vaccine by November. Are you concerned at all that he'll announce a vaccine in the days leading up to the election? BIDEN: No, I'm not concerned. I would hope that they’d be able to have the vaccine. Now most of the medical guys and women I talked to, I get advised four times a week for an hour and a half from the leading health care providers and immunologists in the country, and they tell me that's highly unlikely to be able to do that. But if God willing it happened, it’d be wonderful. My concern is whether or not it will be made available and how it's made available. It has to be thoroughly transparent. The entire medical community has to understand what was done, how, how the vaccine was developed, what test did it go through, so that people have confidence in it. MUIR: Be honest with the American people though. If you're elected president, Mr. Vice President, where will we be? You've been meeting with your scientists. What does next winter look like? What does a year from now look like? Are we still in the middle of this pandemic? BIDEN: It depends on what this president leaves me in five months. Everybody asks, which is a legitimate question, what are you going to do on January 21, 2021? It depends on what he's left me with, and right now it looks like what's going to happen is that the numbers are going to go up. There's, there’s estimates that well over 200,000 people will die. Significantly more people will be infected. It doesn't have to be that way. He can take action now, now, to deal with this. MUIR: We know there's another crisis attached to this pandemic and that's the economy. Thirty million Americans on unemployment right now we just learned of another million last week filing for unemployment. You lead in the polls, but in the same polls there's also a vulnerability. Over and over again, President Trump leads on the economy, and you know what he's saying? He said, President Biden, a Biden administration, will raise your taxes, will you raise taxes? BIDEN: I will raise taxes for anybody making over $400,000. Let me tell you why I'm going to do it. It's about time they start paying a fair share of the economic responsibility we have. The very wealthy should pay fair share, corporations should pay a fair share. The fact is, there are corporations making close to a trillion dollars that pay no tax at all. I’m not punishing anybody. This is about everybody paying their fair share.